Another great Halibut trip aboard the Predator today!

by Predator Sportfishing Staff

Another great Halibut trip aboard the Predator today! 14 anglers caught 15 Halibut and 30 Lingcod on a bumpy challenging ocean today. We still have 6 spots left on June 28th if you want to get out on one of the last trips of the year. Call the office at 360-268-0900 and be sure to request the PREDATOR! FISH ON! #fishonpredator #fishhalibut #fishon #westportcharterspredator #westportcharters #experiencewestport #charterboatpredator

Predator (WA)

Captains Derek Gochanour and Cristian Ibarra
Predator Charters
Westport, WA